5 Ways to Deal With Writer's Block

5 Ways To Deal With Writer’s Block

If you’re a writer, you know all about “writer’s block” and how hard it can be to find the motivation to keep going at times. How do you keep your writing juices flowing when they seem to have run dry? After all, no one writes non-stop forever.

It’s only natural for your creativity to dry up once in a while. Even the most prolific authors would hit a wall from time to time and feel like their creative well has dried up. So, how do you deal with this frustrating feeling called writer’s block?

Let’s take a look at some useful tips on dealing with the dreaded writer’s block.

Change of Scenery

The old saying goes, “A change of scenery can do you good.” And this is especially true when it comes to writer’s block. Sometimes, all you need is to get out of your usual environment and see things from a different perspective.

If you write in the same place every day, your brain will start to recognize the surroundings and you may find it hard to get in the zone.

Change of scenery - how it can help with writer's block.
Change of scenery – how it can help with writer’s block.

There are a few different ways you can go about changing your scenery. First, you could simply move to a different room or area in your house. If you typically write in your bedroom, try heading to the kitchen table or the living room couch. Sometimes, all it takes is a change of scenery within your own home to jumpstart your creativity.

You could also try going for a walk or taking a trip to a nearby town or city. Getting out of your normal surroundings can help you see the world in a new light and give you some much-needed creative copywriting inspiration.

No matter what you choose, remember that a change of scenery can be just what you need to get your creative juices flowing again.

So, try finding a new coffee shop to write at, or go and sit in a park, or any other place that will take your mind off the writing. You’ll be surprised at how much a simple change of scenery can help you get back on track and break through writer’s block.

Take a Break

Yes, we know that writers are prone to bouts of creative depression, but what better way to cure writer’s block than simply taking a break? Writer’s block is often caused by the fact that you’re trying too hard to produce something, and your brain is simply unable to focus on the task at hand.

You’re probably thinking too much about what you want to come out at the end, and that’s why you can’t get started with anything.

There are several benefits to taking a break from writing.

For one, it can help you to refresh your mind and come back to your work with fresh eyes. This can be especially helpful if you feel like you’ve been stuck in a rut or are having trouble seeing your work from a new perspective.

Take a break to cure your creative dips
Take a break to cure your creative dip.

Taking a break can also give you some much-needed time to relax and rejuvenate. This can help you to avoid burnout and keep your creative juices flowing. When you return to your writing, you’ll likely find that you have more energy and enthusiasm for it than you did before.

Taking breaks will likely also help you to be more productive in the long run. If you try to push through and write even when you’re feeling tired or uninspired, you’re likely to end up with subpar work. However, if you take a break when you need it, you’ll come back feeling refreshed and ready to produce your best work.

So, if you’re dealing with writer’s block, you might need to take a break. Let your mind wander to other things – whether that be watching your favourite TV show, reading another novel, or simply going for a walk outside.

Once you’ve cleared your head, you’ll be able to get back to your writing with a fresh mind that’s not thinking too much about the distractions that troubled you before.

Read Something Creative

Sometimes, you’re just too close to your work to be able to see the wood for the trees. If you’re struggling to come up with any new ideas, or your writing feels stale, try reading something creative.

Whether it’s a short story, a poem, or something from a blog, reading something creative will help you to come up with new ideas for your writing.

Read something creative
Read something creative

You might find that you’re inspired by something you read and want to write something similar, or you might find that something you read sparks an idea that you can use in your writing.

Reading is a great way to relax and unwind after a long day, and it’s also a great way to learn from other people’s mistakes and successes. You can learn a lot from other people’s writing styles and you can apply some of those techniques to your own work.

Try Creative Writing Exercises

Creative writing exercises can be helpful, too. They can help you stretch your imagination muscles and come up with new ideas.

Writing exercises help clear creative blocks
Writing exercises help clear creative blocks

Creative writing exercises are designed to stimulate your imagination and help you generate new ideas for your writing. Often, they involve prompts that encourage you to think about a particular topic in a new and different way.

Creative writing exercises can take many different forms, but some examples might include:

  • Write a scene from a different character’s perspective
  • Write a page in reverse chronological order
  • Write a page that includes elements from different genres
  • Write a page that starts and ends with the same sentence
  • Write a story in which every sentence begins with the same letter
  • Write a story in which every other word is a palindrome
  • Write a story that is only 30 words long, 10 words long or 5 words long
  • Write a story without using any words that contain the letter ‘e’
  • Write a story in which every sentence is a haiku

These exercises can be used when you’re feeling stuck in your writing, or when you want to explore a new genre or style.

Write By Hand

Although this is a bit more old-fashioned, writing by hand is a great way to stimulate your mind and get back in the zone with your writing. You’re not thinking too much about the outcome and you’re instead focusing on the technique behind your writing.

You can do this with a notebook or a journal, or even on a piece of paper if you can’t find a pen. It may seem silly, but writing by hand is a great way to clear your head and get back into your writing. You can even get a journal with a lock so you can write down any thoughts or ideas that may be holding you back while keeping them private at the same time.

Writing by hand improves creative flow.
Writing by hand improves creative flow.

There are some great benefits to writing by hand, including:

  • It can help you to better remember what you write, as the act of physically writing activates different areas of the brain than typing does.
  • It can help you to express your ideas more clearly, as you have to slow down and think about each word you write.
  • It can be a more relaxing and enjoyable experience than typing, as it can help you to disconnect from technology and focus on the task at hand.
  • It can also be a more personal form of communication, as the recipient can see your handwriting and any personal touches you may have added, such as doodles or underlining.

Writing by hand is a great way to get back in the zone and deal with writer’s block once and for all.


When writer’s block strikes, it can feel like there’s no coming back from it. But, the truth is that there are tons of ways to get around it and keep your writing flowing. The best way to deal with writer’s block is to change your environment, take a break, or read something creative.

You can also try some creative exercises or switch it up and write by hand, which is also a great way to clear your head and get back in the zone with your writing. No matter how bad your writer’s block may feel, there’s always a way to get past it.

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